Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Living Water?

Why Living Water International?

One of the first questions I faced after deciding that our Calvary kids would fund the digging of a well was “Which organization will we partner with to dig the well?” 

Over the past few years, celebrities have brought the lack of clean water crisis to the forefront.  Actors and musicians like Matt Damon, Jewel, Katy Perry, and many more have raised money and awareness about unsafe drinking water in many parts of the world. Their efforts are helping to give a voice to those who can’t speak up for themselves.  They are addressing a problem and offering a solution.

At the same time, missionaries are travelling to areas of extreme poverty and oppression to bring the message of Jesus to those who have never heard.  They are also addressing a problem and offering a solution.

One group is offering clean drinking water.

The other is offering the hope of a Savior.

Living Water International offers both.

Of all the organizations I researched (and there were lots of great ones!), what impressed me most about Living Water International was their strong commitment to both sharing the gospel and meeting the physical needs of the people.  And here’s another cool thing – we had already come up with the “Dig Deeper” name and the concept of searching for “clean water” and “living water” before I came across the Living Water website…but check out their mission statement:

“Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience "living water"—the gospel of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.”

What we wanted to do, Living Water was already doing. 

So the choice was made. 

You really need to check out their website and read all about what they do, how they do it, why they do it and how it has impacted communities worldwide.  I am so excited to be working with such a great ministry.  It’s one thing to know that our money is going to provide clean water for children, but it gives me chills to think about the LWI volunteers who will be telling those same children about Jesus while they work side by side with the community, showing them the love of Jesus in word and action.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Big Reveal

I am so excited for tomorrow...the BIG REVEAL is finally here.  Each year our children's ministry at Calvary adopts a theme to help us focus on one aspect of what it means to follow Jesus.  This year's theme is our biggest and most challenging yet!

This year our focus in the kidGO Kingdom will be (drum roll please) ....“Dig Deeper”!

There are two parts of this theme, the ME project and the WELL project.

The ME project will involve parents as they work with their kids through age appropriate workbooks that are filled with Bible verses, discussion questions, quizzes, and projects.
For the Well project, our Calvary kids will be raising $5000 to fund the digging of a well in Honduras through Living Water International.

So stay tuned...throughout the year I will be blogging about our progress in both projects.  It's going to be a great year!  So let's dig deeper together!

Amy Anthony
Family Ministries at Calvary